Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bush Knew

I ask you to imagine how much different our world would be if WikiLeaks had existed 10 years ago. Take a look at thisphoto. That's Mr. Bush about to be handed a "secret" document on August 6th, 2001. Its heading read: "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And on those pages it said the FBI had discovered "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Mr. Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks.

read more


Friday, October 29, 2010

Chamber Myths Debunked

See post below...




via think progress:

– Manipulating Google And Blogs: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce retains public relations giant Fleishman-Hillard for much of their online communications work. Fleishman-Hillard VP Pat Cleary posts on the Chamber’s blog, and says he works closely with conservative bloggers through RedState. Other Chamber lobbyists collaborate routinely with conservative bloggers through the Heritage Foundation’s Bloggers Briefing to help get the message out for business lobbyists. As Cleary has told conferences of business lobbyists, he helps trade associations like the Chamber buy AdWords to promote the business lobby’s message. For example, when anyone Googles the words “US Chamber” and “foreign,” they see a link to the Chamber’s false response that it receives only $100,000 from foreign affiliates.

– Paying For Television Pundits: GOP lobbyist John Feehery has appeared on cable television to attack ThinkProgress’ reporting, taken to Twitter call President Obama a “business-hating socialist” for calling attention to this story, and even penned an article in The Hill newspaper to defend the Chamber and lie about our investigation. Feehery never mentioned the foreign corporate direct donations to the Chamber’s 501(c)(6). But more importantly, neither The Hill nor any of television outlets Feehery appears on disclosed the fact that Feehery’s public relations firm, The Feehery Group, counts the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as one of its clients. Shortly after our story broke, Feehery was hired by another public relations/lobbying firm, Quinn Gillespie, which is also a client of the Chamber. Moreover, Fox News’ parent company is an active member of the Chamber, and hate-talker Glenn Beck met with the Chamber’s second in command earlier this year to plot the 2010 election. While Fox hosts and Beck have endlessly defended the Chamber’s secret money, there has been no disclosure of the network’s financial ties to Chamber lobbyists.

click the heading and read more.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


via geronimo at c&l

Congressional investigators plan to examine how the FBI determined that one scientist was responsible for the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks

Wall Street Journal (2010) - The Anthrax Attacks Remain Unsolved
The FBI disproved its main theory about how the spores were weaponized.

Cheney and his staff were given doses of the anti-anthrax Cipro right after the 9/11 attacks

"On the night of the Sept. 11 attacks, the White House Medical Office dispensed Cipro to staff accompanying Vice President Dick Cheney as he was secreted off to the safety of Camp David, and told them it was "a precaution," according to one person directly involved."

"Let me put it this way," Bush said. "I'm confident that when I come to work tomorrow, I'll be safe."


Thursday, July 15, 2010

from Kaufmans editorial published in the BMJ.

Indeed, the dirty secret of world hunger is that the creation of a grain surplus is no solution. There is plenty of food on earth, more than double that needed to feed all 6.5 billion of us.4 The problem is not food availability, but price. People starve when the daily pay check doesn’t cover the daily bread.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Da south... just because

Da South

Why is it the south was so easily pacified? I mean look at the world. Most people in the world get really angry and revolt when their land is occupied. The US has been occupying the south for a century and not a peep out of you. Well Wallace tried to stir things up I guess.

But seriously. The US beat you in a war and laid down the law and I must say I've never seen any people on the planet take it as well as you southerners do.

If only people all around the world could be pacified as easily as the Confederates!


Monday, January 4, 2010

Good Riddance, Aughts!

via: Could Everyone Please Stop Pissing Me Off

Dear Aughts (00 – 09),

Wow, what a decade. Way to suck far more than not…

Way to lose nearly 10,000 Americans needlessly from a manufactured war (Iraq), a submerged city (New Orleans), and a possibly preventable terrorist act (9/11).

*But on the bright side, most of those Americans who died weren’t wealthy.

Way to systematically tighten the governmental grip on our freedoms; like talking on a phone and being illegally listened to, or protesting the lies of a president and landing on a “watch list”, or voting in an election and then having a hand-picked court step in to decide the outcome anyway.

*But hey, at least we’re doing all we can to keep the government from aiding us with our health.

Way to take the country’s media and turn it into one giant, biased, money-making scheme.

*Were it not for comedians like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert speaking truth to power, we may have zero straight-forward bullshit detectors left.

Way to stay out of the violent quagmire that is Iraq / Iran / Afghanistan / Yemen, and the rest of what is the craziest, most unstable region on the planet.

*It’s not like there were consequences the last time we fucked around in the Middle East, back in the 80’s under Reagan.

Seriously aughts, WTF?! Many Americans were less upset by election fraud, Wall-street greed, and war-profiteering, than they were about Janet Jackson’s exposed booby!

*But again, on the bright side, we do now have Snuggies, 600 cable channels, and Twitter.

So now that your time is up, will you please disappear forever? Honestly, we’d rather have to stare at Ann Coulter’s adam’s apple than have to spend any more time with you.

Now go. And take your Florida recounts, and your Jon & Kate’s, and your Bluetooths, and your bin-Ladens, and your Viagra, and your baconaisse, and your regime-change, and your Jersey Shore, and your Arena Football, and your Enron, and your Transformers with you!!!!!

Go, we say…

Americans Who Know Better
