Friday, May 8, 2009

"The Fox TeeVee Family"

They're Creepy and They're Kooky, Mysterious and Spooky, They're all together Ooky, The Fox TeeVee Family.
Click here for larger view

First row seated (L - R): Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck.

Second row standing (L - R): Joe the Quitter, Rupert Murdoch, Brit Hume.

via driftglass

From Time:

Republicans in the Wilderness: Is the Party Over?

Samuel Wurzelbacher, better known as Joe the Plumber, tells TIME he's so outraged by GOP overspending, he's quitting the party — and he's the bull's-eye of its target audience. But he also said he wouldn't support any cuts in defense, Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid — which, along with debt payments, would put more than two-thirds of the budget off limits. It's no coincidence that many Republicans who voted against the stimulus have claimed credit for stimulus projects in their district — or that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal stopped ridiculing volcano-monitoring programs after a volcano erupted in Alaska.


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