Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Former CIGNA Executive Hails 'SiCKO' on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now!

“They Dump the Sick to Satisfy Investors”: Insurance Exec Turned Whistleblower Wendell Potter Speaks Out Against Healthcare Industry

read the entire transcript here


Tip of the iceberg...

"We think we make a fair and reasonable profit. I think people dramatically overestimate the amount of profit that we make. We make about 6 percent after tax, which we think is a fair and reasonable number. And we believe we can bring more people in -- that we can be more efficient -- and really offer them a product at a lower price." - Ron Williams

FierceHealthcare reports the following top 10 CEO salaries for 2008
* Ron Williams - Aetna - Total Compensation: $24,300,112.



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