Monday, January 12, 2009

Boosh's FDA in more trouble

Shocking?...ah, no...I wonder if there's anything this corrupt administration has touched that didn't turn to shit.Anything? ...that would shock me.

F.D.A. Is Lax on Oversight During Trials, Inquiry Finds
In 42 percent of clinical trials, the agency did not receive forms disclosing doctors’ financial conflicts and did nothing about the problem, according to the investigation, which was conducted by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services and whose results were scheduled to be made public Monday.

In 31 percent of the trials in which the agency did receive the required forms, agency reviewers did not document that they looked at the information. And in 20 percent of the cases in which doctors revealed significant financial conflicts, neither the F.D.A. nor the sponsoring companies took any action to deal with the conflicts, the investigators found.

Karen Riley, a spokeswoman for the F.D.A, said the agency opposed reviewing doctors’ financial conflicts before trials because they represented just one possible source of bias.

and from earlier in the week

FDA scientists complain to Obama of 'corruption'

A copy of the letter, with the names of the scientists redacted, was provided to The Associated Press by a congressional official.

"Currently, there is an atmosphere at FDA in which the honest employee fears the dishonest employee, and not the other way around," the scientists wrote.

FDA spokeswoman Judy Leon said in response: "We have been working very closely with members of the transition team and any concerns or questions they have on any issue, we will address directly with the team. Separately, the agency is actively engaged in a process to explore the staff members' concerns and take appropriate action."

from Mike Mozart...don't forget to read the ingredients before you purchase food stuff.

Via Chris Gupta:

USA Food Supply TAINTED? . . . . .Halloween Candy? Melamine + Toxins? Mike Mozart of JeepersMedia
Are the Foods we eat TAINTED By Melamine and Other Toxins added to China Milk Powder Supplies? An Investigative News Report by Mike Mozart of JeepersMedia on You Tube. Is the FDA Covering up this for Political Election Reasons?

Youtube link

Should We Take This Seriously?

Mike Mozart is a toy designer who also runs a video blog about new developments in the toy industry.

His reviews are normally light, cheerful affairs and completely apolitical.

If he appears distraught, it's because he is. This is serious.

Mozart has discovered that the US is the ONLY country, including China itself, that still permits potentially melamine-contaminated food on its shelves.

That's right. This poison that killed and injured thousands of people, mainly children, may be in US food. We're the only country that hasn't pulled it from its shelves.

Here's what you need to know

1. Melamine was added to food products manufactured in China to simulate protein content. These food products were imported into the US by the ton.

2. Melamine itself is bad, but much worse - and not reported - is that melamine is an industrial product, not a food product and often comes contaminated with a wide range of dangerous industrial toxins.

continue reading here.


Link to Website that has Independently Confirmed my Claims!

Link to Story Regarding ALL Chinese Milk Distributors had TAINTED Supplies!

Go Team USA!


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